Joe's cabin

It is a long long time ago, during the Gold Rush around 1898 when Joe left his hometown they say it was Seattle and headed north, Joe was a loner, he did not travel with all the other soldiers of fortune that were attracted by the Klondike for its gold, Joe travelled all by himself. His luggage contained enough to support himself. A rifle a couple of traps, a good
knife, some dried meat and coffee: Even before he left Seattle, he heard about them counties prospectors up in Dawson City, the hard job they did and their inability to deal with their sudden wealth. Furthermore, he heard, the only people getting rich in Dawson City were the owners of Saloons, the guys selling eggs (one single egg at that time did cost 4$), the prostitutes and the gangsters. No. this was not what Joe was looking for. He wanted to head north to the Yukon to find solitude.
Joe was a Mountain Man and not a very outgoing person. He never told anybody, where exactly he came from. The rare visitors to his house found out, he did not tell a lot out of his life and if he did so, it was short stories only. As a matter of fact, he loved the solitude and the only company he deeply enjoyed was the one of his dog, a mutt, they say his name was George. George was completely devoted to Joe and Joe loved to discuss all sorts of things with his pal, who was a very good listener. For hours, the two of them could sit there Joe petting George and smoking his pipe that smoked as if a train came upon the White pass Yukon Route They both deeply enjoyed their togetherness. Now you know why there is not much known about Joe.

It took him a long time until he found his place to stay where he could live peacefully, without being bothered by too many human beings. He lived off the land, hunted, fished and collected the fruits of the North, He was a moderate hunter and fisher. In fact, he hated killing animals but knew, they would forgive him since he never hunted more than he really needed for George, himself and the stray cat, that, one day decided to stay with them. Where the cat came from is as much a secret as the origin of Joe and George themselves. He built his cabin way out in the bush, approximately 20 miles southwest from here today, some rattan pieces of wood remind people, that there was a log cabin, a long time ago one day, many winters have gone by, Joe was gone, together with George and the cat and the few things he owned. Nobody knows if he actually found gold and returned to where he came from. Nobody knows, how long he was out there or maybe, still is. But one thing is for sure, Joe lived a wonderful but very modest life. Fact is, there still is plenty of space out there to live a solitary life based on the very few details known about Joe, we tried to rebuild his cabin and let you be a part of his modest life. The windows and most details you find in the cabin are relics from about 100 years ago. So we suggest, start a fire in the fireplace, sit back and let your thoughts go and a trip with Joe Maybe, you will find out the secrets about Joe during your adventure!